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Favorite of Dermatologists

Gunilla of Sweden has been a favorite of dermatologists, skincare professionals, and over a million clients since 1987.  Combining scientific advances with natural occurring elements, their products are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Designed to help your skin rejuvenate in the most natural way possible.

The Lerosett Acne Line

Lerosett is Gunilla of Sweden’s professional-grade, botanically based acne line. The aloe they work with is grown 100% organically in a greenhouse. In addition to being grown hydroponically, their aloe is hand-planted, with no pesticides or herbicides. After it’s made into a base, it is then mixed with their micronized clay. The clay and aloe serve as main ingredients that synergize together in order to help heal your skin.

Gunilla of Sweden is a family-owned & operated skincare company specializing in botanically based organic products for ance and skincare for over 30 years.